Little Red Riding Hood and Puss in Boots: Naïve Humans and Amazing Animals!
Why are we still so attracted to old fairy tales?
The simple answer is: they are still amusing and fun. For some of us, they take us back to our childhood. And they still tell relevant stories and help us to connect with essential archetypes.
Also, sometimes the animals in these stories are more advanced and smarter than humans! (I personally like this, as I am a great animal lover).
If we look at Puss in Boots, for example, we notice that Puss (Cat) is so much smarter and also more generous than practically all the humans surrounding him! He belongs to the family of the recently deceased Master, who had three sons.
The two oldest sons are just greedy crooks, who are happy to take advantage of the youngest son. This youngest son, Jean, who becomes Puss’ Master, seems to be without ill intent, but is clueless about how to make a living, and totally
lacks appreciation for his amazing Cat!
However, Cat is taking matters into his very capable hands (paws?) and manages to make his young Master into a Marquis and the King's son in law! In the process, he also frees the land from a terrible Ogre and helps Jean find his true love Princess.
The Wolf in Little Red Riding Hood doesn't have such noble intentions. In fact, he is just trying to satisfy his hunger by eating the perhaps too trusting and naïve humans, and comes up with an uncanny plot to reach his goal! Once realizing his wrong doing and also impressed by the kindness of his recent victims, Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma, he undergoes a total transformation and promises "from now on to just eat bread and candies.”
We must tell you that this particular plot twist to the story is very unique, at least we didn't encounter it in any other versions of Little Red Riding Hood, which makes it especially fun and suitable for kids (or kids at heart).
Come explore these charming stories with us!