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Aaron Ball

Texas native Aaron Ball is an operatic baritone, actor, stage director, audiobook narrator, business leader, educator, author, motivational speaker, innovator, visionary, organizational and individual coach, and leading advocate and consultant for the performing arts. He has appeared on opera and concert stages on two continents and has also appeared in several feature films. Aaron is quickly being recognized as a top leader in the new discipline of remote production for the performing arts and the groundbreaking new genres being developed out of this discipline. Aaron serves as principal for his company Command virFormance offering performing arts organizations beginning-to-end solutions for digital delivery of traditionally live production models (a critical consideration for all performing arts organizations today). CvF’s world-class associates work with organizations to help build new ("virtual") production models that make best use of the technologies and skills needed to successfully integrate long-term and effective strategies for digital delivery with existing strategies for live performance production. As a respected organizational leader, in addition to his role with CvF, Aaron also serves as president & CEO of Randall Designs, Inc., the Emmy Award- winning dancesport industry design house (ABC’s “Dancing With the Stars”) that created the costumes for DWTS’ first twelve seasons. Aaron also serves as a member of Independent Opera Company’s (IOC) board of directors.


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